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Manuscript Collections - Rose Wilder Lane Papers


23 linear feet, 8 linear inches (54 manuscript boxes)
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library


Rose Wilder Lane was an author, journalist, world traveler, and Libertarian. She was born on December 5, 1886 near DeSmet in Dakota Territory (later South Dakota) to Almanzo and Laura Wilder. In 1894 the family moved to Mansfield, Missouri and settled on Rocky Ridge Farm.


Folders that have been scanned have the file name added at the end of the folder name.




General Accessions – Laura Ingalls Wilder Papers. University of Missouri.
Photocopies of correspondence from microfilm.

General Accessions – Red Cross. A Letter from Europe. American Red Cross, 1921



Box Contents



Correspondence, 1922‑1968
Map, 1915

Albanian Garden

Correspondence, 1926‑1927
Journal, 1926‑1927

Alexander, Charles, 1923
America, Frank, 1923
Anderson, Blanche, 1965, 1968
Anderson, Sherwood, 1928
Beatty, Bessie, 1920
Brandt, Carl, 1928‑1937 and undated
Brody, Catherine, 1933
Bye, George T., 1931-1940 (8 folders)


Clark, Charles and Joan, 1943‑1968

Miscellaneous, 1922-1939 and undated (5 folders)
Literary, 1933
Politics and Economics, 1933


Better Homes & Gardens Cook Book, 1934‑1946
Recipes, undated (2 folders)


Correspondence. General, 1907‑1968
Crane, Jasper, 1945-1957 (10 folders)


Crane, Jasper, 1958-1968 (11 folders)


Danbury, Connecticut

House Plan, undated
Zoning Controversy, 1945-1946
Flood, 1955
Christmas Card, 1966-1967

Day, Clarence, 1927‑1928
Dell, Floyd, 1926‑1934
DeVoto, Bernard, 1939
Dobie, Charles C., 1917-1918
Economic Council Review of Books, 1943‑1945
Evans, Ernestine, 1953
Federal Bureau of Investigation – Rose Wilder Lane Investigation, 1943


Freedom School, 1958-1964 (2 folders)
Garrod, R. V., 1962
Garrett, Garet, 1936-1937, 1953 and undated (2 folders)
Hader, Berta and Elmer, 1919‑1930 and undated
Hamilius, Jean‑Pierre, 1959‑1968
Hart, Merwin, 1956‑1962
Hervier, Paul Lewis, 1926‑1934
Hoover, Herbert, 1920‑1960
Jackson, Major D. R. H., 1930 and undated


Jackson, Elsie, 1930-1931, 1965-1968, undated (2 folders)
Keeley, Mrs. James H., 1926
Lane, Rose Wilder

Articles About, 1925‑1982
Autobiographical Sketch, 1935
Bequests, 1968‑1969
Birth Affidavit, 1968
Calling Cards and Bookplate
Death, 1968
Estate – Property and Stock
Financial and Legal Documents
Passport, 1923
Tax Returns 1932-1967 (scattered)

Laura Ingalls Wilder Home Association, 1964‑1967
Little House Songbook, 1967‑1968
McBride, Mary Margaret, 1929‑1930 and undated
MacBride, Roger, 1953‑1960
MacBride, Roger and Susan, 1961-Feb 1964 (5 folders)


MacBride, Roger and Susan, Mar 1964-June 1967 (9 folders)


MacBride, Roger and Susan, July 1967-1968, and undated (4 folders)
Mack, O. Fred, 1940
Malcolmson, David, undated
Manuscript Material – General
Maps, circa 1920‑1939
Meta, Rexh, 1927-1935 (6 folders)


Meta, Rexh, 1936-1940 and 1945 (3 folders)
Meta, Rexh and Pertef, 1965‑1966
Meyer, Frank, 1953-1963 (2 folders)
Monarchi, Francesco, 1926‑1927
Moyston, Guy, 1919-June 1927 (9 folders)


Moyston, Guy, July 1927-1928
Mundy, Talbot and Dawn, 1934‑1935
Munson, Lyle, 1967
Ogg, Norma Lee Browning, 1946-1986 (includes partial manuscript)
Ohanian, Armen, 1940
Older, Fremont, 1928-1936 (2 folders)
Parkhurst, Genevieve, 1925‑32
Paterson, Isabel, 1933‑1945
Printed Material
Read, Leonard, 1944-1946 (2 folders)
Reitama‑Bakker, Simone, 1966‑1967
Roscoe, Burton, 1938
Ripley, Clements, 1937‑1938
Rocky Ridge

House Construction – Correspondence and Receipts, 1928
Writings and Drawings, 1928-1981
Farm Then And Now, 1981

San Francisco Press Club, 1915


Saturday Evening Post, Pioneer Stories, Response Mail, 1937-1938 (2 folders)
Sennholz, Hans, 1959‑1963
Smith, Art, circa 1916
Society of Women Geographers, 1929-1942
Stillman, Louis, 1920
Sullivan, Mark, 1938
Telephone Messages, 1938
Thompson, Dorothy, 1921-1960 (2 folders)
Turner, Al 1935‑1938
Turner, John

Correspondence, 1934-1939 and undated (2 folders)
New Mexico Military Institute, 1936‑1938

Vietnam Trip, 1965
Vietnamese Correspondents, 1965‑1967
Watts, Orval

Correspondence, 1956 and 1961 (2 folders)


Correspondence, 1962-1963 (5 folders)

Money and Banking (4 folders)
Can Government Keep You Prosperous?
When Will The Prices Stop Rising?
Untitled, Chapters 1‑2

White, William Allen, 1938
Wilbur, Crane, 1935
Wilder Genealogy, 1934
Williams, Blanche Colton, 1928

Top of Page



Correspondence, 1908-1940, 1952 (15 folders) [31-rwl-liw-b13-f182 to f195]
Correspondence – Almanzo Wilder, 1915 [31-rwl-liw-b13-f195a]
DeSmet Cemetery Association - Correspondence, 1943‑1954 [31-rwl-liw-b13-f196]
Detroit Book Week Speech, 1937 [31-rwl-liw-b13-f197]
The Horn Book Magazine – Reprint from the Laura Ingalls Wilder Issue, 1953 [31-rwl-liw-b13-f197a]
Ingalls, Charles P. Homestead, 1880-1986 [31-rwl-liw-b13-f197b]


Ingalls, Mary – Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School, 1976-1984
Mail from Fans, 1933‑1949
Milman, Arthur, 1915‑1918
South Dakota State Historical Society, 1944‑1950
Treasures from C. P. Ingalls and Laura Wilder compiled by Aubrey Sherwood, 1982

(includes: Letters of Laura Wilder to the editor back home in De Smet [1937-1954],
The Settlement of De Smet, other Wilder lore)

Wilder Estate, Laura, 1952‑1959
Manuscripts, Notes, and Resource Material

Laura's "Ideas for Work", 1903 and undated
"Tuck 'Em In Corner Poems, ca.1915
Letters from Aunt Martha Carpenter, 1925
Pioneer Girl

Brandt Copy (2 folders) [31-rwl-liw-b14-f205-f836, 31-rwl-liw-b14-f206-f837]
Revised Draft (2 folders) [31-rwl-liw-b14-f207-f834, 31-rwl-liw-b14-f208-f835]
Bye Copy (2 folders) [31-rwl-liw-b14-f209-f845, 31-rwl-liw-b14-f210-f846]
Insertions in Laura Wilder Holograph, 1930
Fragments – pages 1 to 6
Fragments – Long Winter Episode

Little House in The Big Woods

Reviews, 1932
When Grandma Was A Little Girl (manuscript)

Farmer Boy (typed manuscript, 3 folders, 266 pages)
Little House on the Prairie

Background material, 1933


Final typescript (carbon, 3 folders, 176 pages)

On the Banks of Plum Creek

How Laura Got Even (7 pp.)
Draft A (typescript, 3 folders 128 pp. and unnumbered)
Draft B (typescript, 3 folders))
Final Copy (Carbon), pp. 1‑30, 60‑96

By The Shores of Silver Lake

Typescript manuscript with revisions by Laura (carbon, 2 folders)

The Long Winter

Manuscript draft typescript with corrections by Laura (carbon, 4 folders)
Laura's List of Corrections with Map of DeSmet
Typed manuscript fragments with corrections by Rose
Typed final manuscript (carbon) with corrections by Laura and Rose, Parts of Chapter 27 and 29

Typescript of manuscript chapters in Detroit Public Library omitted from book


Little Town on the Prairie

Outline, "Prairie Girl," undated
Galley proofs (2 folders)

These Happy Golden Years. typescript manuscript with corrections (2 folders)
The First Four Years

Original Manuscript (facsimile copy)
Photocopy (2 folders)
Typescript of manuscript for printer (2 folders)

On the Way Home. Foreword and Afterword by Rose Wilder Lane (manuscript)
West From Home

Manuscript of letters (typed)
Photos and captions


Miscellaneous Little House Material

Articles and clippings

Grace Ingalls diary, 1887‑1893
Letters – Marion Hinz (DeSmet) to Greg Smith, 1965

Roger MacBride – Slides, Tapes, Printed Material
Roger MacBride – Rosa Ann Moore correspondence, 1977
Rosa Ann Moore – Typescripts
Aunt Martha Carpenter letters, 1925
Wilder‑Lane Correspondence, 1937-1940 and 1952 (4 folders)
Pioneer Girl – Insertions in LIW Holograph
Grace Ingalls diary


Little House Books (published copies)
Little House in The Big Woods
Little House on The Prairie
Farmer Boy
On The Banks of Plum Creek
By The Shores of Silver Lake
The Long Winter
Little Town on the Prairie
These Happy Golden Years
The First Four Years

Top of Page



Diary – Sausalito, July-Sep 1918 (item 1) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i001]
Diary and accounts – California, Washington D.C., New York, and Europe, Mar-Dec 1920 (item 2) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i002]
Letter/Diary – Rose to Arthur Griggs, Trip from Paris to Vienna, June 1920 (item 3) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i003]
Letter/Diary – Rose to Arthur Griggs, Trip from Paris to Poland, Sep 22-25, 1920 (item 4) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i004]
Letter/Diary – Rose to Arthur Griggs, Polish Trip, Sep 27-Oct 4, 1920 (item 5) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i005]
Looseleaf Notebook, 1920-1922 and 1927 and 1932-1933 and undated (includes: poetry, notes, events, story ideas, alphabetical character studies of men from     "The Woman's Point of View," notes on freedom novel (1920), current events (Aug-Sep 1920), scattered diary entries (1921, 1922, 1927), notes on Jack London
 story, notes on American politics (1932‑1933) (item 6) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i006]

Diary and accounts – Europe, 1921 (item 7) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i007]
Notes on Albania, Feb-Apr 1921 and undated (item 8) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i008]
Notes on Albania, Apr 1921 (item 9) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i009]
Letter from Europe – Red Cross Publicity and a Self‑Analysis, May 1921 (item 10) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i010]
Notes on Walking Tour of Brittany, Oct 9-15, 1921 (item 11) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i011]
Notebook, 1921-1936 (includes: story ideas, journal entries, financial summaries, goals, Eastern proverbs (July 1922), notes on Sinclair Lewis and other authors (1923), evaluating life and writings, convictions, Psalms, Proverbs, Rocky Ridge, budget, theater (1924), summary of 1925, notes on Brandes Main Currents of 19th Century Literature, status of writings and finances, song, New Year's Resolutions (1925-1928), letter from Clarence Day (Dec 1927), goals for Rocky Ridge stay (1928-1929), notes on Sassoon and Masefield and conflict structure, stories written and published (1931-1935), answers to Little Review questionnaire and self‑evaluation (July 1932), quotes (item 12) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i012]

Diary and accounts – Europe, 1922 (item 13) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i013]
Notes on Albanian "Mati" Trip, June-July 1922 (item 14) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i014]
Notes on Caucasus trip and research, Sep-Dec 1922 (item 15) [31-rwl-dan-b19-i015]


Notes on Baku trip, Dec 1922 (item 16) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i016]

Diary, 1923 (item 17) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i017]
Research Notes – Egypt, Syria, Aug 1923 (?)(item 18) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i018]
1896 Trip from Syrian Coast to Baghdad, Aug 1923 (typed notes, item 19) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i019]
Trip Diary – Constantinople to Cairo, Aug 28-Sep 3, 1923 (item 20) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i020]
Diary, 1924, Jan-Mar 1926 and May 14, 1932 (item 21) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i021]
Notes – Ozark Spring Weather, 1924-1925 (item 22) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i022]
Notes – Joseph Conrad, Short Story Writing, 1925 and undated (item 23) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i023]
Analysis – Woman's Home Companion, stories, notes on Albania, 1925 and undated (item 24) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i024]
Diary, 1926-1930 (item 25) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i025]
Notes – Italian Language, 1926 (?) (item 26) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i026]
Notes – Russian Language, 1926 (?) (item 27) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i027]
Notes – Russian Language, 1926 (?) (item 28) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i028]
Letter/Diary by Rose and Troub – Paris to Albania Trip, Aug-Sep 1926 (also in manuscripts – Albania Trip, item 29) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i029]
Datebook – Record of Writing Done, 1927 (item 30) [31-rwl-dan-b20-i030]


Notes – Albanian Garden, Language, Mar-Nov 1927 (item 31) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i031]
Notes – Albanian Villages Trip, July 4-8, 1927 (item 32) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i032]
Notes – Albania to Vienna Trip, July 30-Aug 15, 1927 (item 33) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i033]
Notes – Cleopatra, 1928 (?, item 34) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i034]
Notes and Analysis – Books Read, 1928-1933 (item 35) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i035]
Notes – Rocky Ridge Garden, Aug 1929-Oct 1930 (item 36) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i036]
Diary, 1931-1935 (item 37) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i037]
Notes – Rocky Ridge, Picnic, Memphis Trip, July-Aug 1931 (item 38) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i038]
New York Grand Central Station and 61 Broadway, undated
Notes – 61 Broadway, undated (item 39) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i039]
Analysis of Saturday Evening Post serial and short story, 1931
Ladies Home Journal serial, 1933
Notes – Russian Language, 1931 (item 40) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i040]
Notes – Rocky Ridge Garden, 1931-1932 (item 41) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i041]
Budget Book, 1932 (item 42) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i042]
Research Notes – Singapore, Malaysia, Burma, Jan 1932 (item 43) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i043]
Short Stories Studied, Jan 1932 (item 44) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i044]
Journal, May 1932-Jan 1933 (item 45) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i045]
Itinerary and Expenses – Canada and New York Trip, Sep 1932 (item 46) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i046]
Journal, 1933-1934, 1940, 1949-1950, 1960 (item 47) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i047]
Budget Book, 1933 (item 48) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i048]
Personal Budget Book, 1933 (item 49) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i049]
Notes – Kiss In Mid‑Battle, Feb 1933 (item 50) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i050]
American Novel Outline, Wilder Genealogy Notes, 1933-1934 (item 51) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i051]
Journal, 1933, 1940 (item 52) [31-rwl-dan-b21-i052]


Notes – Wheat, July 1933 (item 53) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i053]
Budget Book, 1934 (item 54) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i054]
Personal Budget Book, 1934 (item 55) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i055]
Notes – Story Ideas and Titles, 1934 (item 56) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i056]
Budget Book, 1935 (item 57) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i057]
Expenses, 1935 (item 58) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i058]
Diary, 1936-1938 (item 59) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i059]
Bank Book, 1937 (item 60) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i060]
Diary, 1938 (item 61) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i061]
Notes – Trip From East to Midwest, June 1939 (item 62) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i062]
Notes – Trip from Wyoming to Bellingham, bituminous coal act, 1939 (item 63) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i063]
Diary, Aug 1939-Apr 1940 (item 64) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i064]
Diary/Journal – War News, May-June 15, 1940 (item 65) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i065]
Diary/Journal – War News, June 16-July 1, 1940 (item 66) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i066]
Notes – Election, Nov 1940 (item 67) [31-rwl-dan-b22-i067]


Diary, 1942-1943 (item 68) [31-rwl-dan-b23-i068]
Diary – Weather, Gardening, Canning, 1944-1945 (item 69) [31-rwl-dan-b23-i069]
Diary, 1964-1965, 1967 (item 70) [31-rwl-dan-b23-i070]
Notes – Albanian Language, undated (item 71) [31-rwl-dan-b23-i071]
Notes – Albanian Language, undated (item 72) [31-rwl-dan-b23-i072]
Notes – Albanian Language, undated (item 73) [31-rwl-dan-b23-i073]
Notes – Albania, undated (item 74)
Notes – Albania, undated (item 75)
Notes – Brandes, Main Currents in 19th Century Literature, undated (item 76)
Definitions, undated (item 77)
Beau Williams Quotes, undated (item 78)
Notes – Sausalito, Story Ideas, Ozark Material, New York, Household Accounts, 1918 (item 79)
Notes – New York City, undated (item 80)
Notes – Authors and Titles, Love of Land, Insects Are Winning, Dream, undated (item 81)


Notes – Ozark Spring, Apr‑May no year (item 82) [31-rwl-dan-b24-i082]
Names and Addresses, undated (item 83) [31-rwl-dan-b24-i083]
Datebook Belonging to Edmund H. Stephan, 1937-1938 (item 84)
Notes – Georgia Sea Islands, Book Titles, Authors, Quotations, Theological Ideas and Stories, undated (item 85)
Books, undated (item 86) [31-rwl-dan-b24-i086]
Notes – Vietnam, 1965 (item 87) [31-rwl-dan-b24-i087]
Notes with Index, 1950-1952 (item 88)
Books Wanted, undated (item 89)
Booklist, 12th and 16th Century Living, undated (item 90)
Notes – From Tribe to Empire, undated (item 91)
Notes – Vietnam, Names and Addresses, 1965 (item 92)
Notes – Spanish Language, undated (item 93)
Notes – John Adams, undated (item 94)
Notes – Ancient Greek Scholars, undated (item 95)
Notes – Maspero vol.1, undated (item 96)
Notes – Albanian Language, undated (item 97)


Book Notes on Cards 

Romance of H Progress, undated (item 98)
About Petroleum, Enterprise in Oil, et al., undated (item 99)
A Humane Economy, The End of Empire, et al., undated (item 100)
Strabo, Greek Civic, undated (item 101)
Seneca, Dante, et al., undated (item 102)
John Harvard, et al., undated (item 103)
Glotz Aegian Civilization, undated (item 104)
Greeks and Egyptians, undated (item 105)
Tides of History, vol. I, undated (item 106)
William James: Great Men, Great Thoughts and the Environment, undated (item 107)
History Begins at Sumer by Samuel Kramer, undated (item 108)
Blackwell, Maspero, de Morgan, undated (item 109)
Sayce: Religions of A., Egypt and Babylonia, et al., undated (item 110)
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Hannah Arendt, undated (item 111)
Neff: Carlyle and Mill, undated (item 112)
Augustan Age, undated (item 113)
Muller: Freedom in Ancient World (1), undated (item 114)
Tides of History, vol.2, undated (item 115)
Muller: Freedom in Ancient World (2), undated (item 116)
A, Mohammad Asad: Principles of State and Government in Islam, undated (item 117)
A, Herodian of Antioch: History of Roman Empire, Henry Adams: Degradation of Democratic Dogma, undated (item 118)
B, Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France, Bury: History of Greece, Albert Britt: The Hungry War, undated (item 119)
C, Chesterfield, Crassus, and Carcopino, Clason, undated (item 120)
D, Durant: Ceasar and Christ, undated (item 121)
F, Tenney Frank: Ec. Survey Rome, undated (item 122)
G, Grant: The Sword and the Cross, Edward Gibbon: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, undated (item 123)
H, Moses Hadas: A History of Rome, undated (item 124)
H, Hill: Roman Middle Class, undated (item 125)
H, Haskell: Cicero, undated (item 126)
H, Zoltan Haraszti: John Adams and the Prophets of Progress, undated (item 127)
J, Thomas Jefferson, undated (item 128)
K, Leonard Krieger: German Idea of Freedom, Mentor: Koran, undated (item 129)
L, Locke: Of Civ. Government, LaPiere: Freudian Ethic, undated  (item 130)
L, Anne Freemantle: Little Band of Prophets, undated (item 131)
Bury: Idea of Progress, et al., undated (item 132)
M, Marsilius of Padua, Philip Morrison: SEP Adventure of Mind, Ludwig: Talks with Mussolini, undated (item 133)
M, Pirenne: Medieval Cities, Eileen Power: Medieval People, undated (item 134)
O, Berdyaev: Origin of Russian Communism, Cambridge University: Outlines of English Industrial History, undated (item 135)
O, Obolensky: One Man in His Time, undated (item 136)
P, Pirenne: History of Europe, Plutarch: Caesar Pompey Crassus, et al., undated (item 137)
R, Rostovtzeff: Social and Economic History of Roman Empire, undated (item 138)
S, Suetonius: Twelve Caesars, R.E. Smith: Failure of Roman Republic, undated (item 139)
T, Tims, Toledano, Toutain, et al., undated (item 140)
Miscellaneous, undated (item 141)

Top of Page



Accessory to Murder, 1936
Albanian Trip, 1926

Version A
Typescript of diary
Version B, typescript of diary (item 29 in diaries and notes Series)

All Men Are Liars, Woman's Day, 1940
American Reader, Notes Only
American Revolution, Saturday Evening Post, 1939 (printed)
And On Earth Peace, Goodwill, Country Gentleman, 1939 (printed, Christmas feud)
Angels At Birch Tree, Story Outline
"Art" Smith's Story, The Bulletin, San Francisco, 1915 (printed)
Atvona Goes To Church, Asia, Sep, 1919 (printed)
August in Vietnam, Woman's Day, 1965 (printed)
Autumn, Harper's 1924 (manuscript and printed)
The Background of Vietnam, 1965 (written)
Beginning Again At Ararat, Reviews
Bit of Grey In A Blue Sky, Ladies Home Journal, 1919 (printed)
The Blue Bead, Harper's, 1925
Budapest for a Bath, World Traveler, 1923 (manuscript and printed)
Byrd Story, Woman's Day, 1939
Cacosotte – Revised 1939 (manuscript and correspondence)
The Cave of Bulqis, 1931
Charlie Chaplin's Own Story, The Bulletin, San Francisco, 1915 (printed)
Children's Crusade, Good Housekeeping, 1920 (printed)
Christmas Editorial written for Woman's Day, 1939
Christmas in Erivan, Good Housekeeping, 1924 (printed)


Christmas Reunion, Good Housekeeping, 1936
The Cities Get Them All, 1929
Come Into My Kitchen, Woman's Day, 1960
Country Jake, Saturday Evening Post, 1933 (printed)
Country Life, Cosmopolitan, June, 1939
The Craver of L'arnin,
The Dancer of Shamakna, Asia, 1922

Printed Copy
General, Apr-Sep 1922 (3 folders)

The Dancing Man by Frederick Irving Anderson (manuscript)
Dangerous Curve, 1930 (see also Winding Road)
A Day In Sarajevo
Dear Little Sister, 1935
Declaration for All Time, Rally, 1967
Desert Sands, 1921, 1929-1930 (manuscript and correspondence)
Discovery of Freedom

Correspondence and Printed Material

Clark, Fred G., 1952 [31-rwl-mss-b26-f313]
Cornuell, Richard C., 1958 [31-rwl-mss-b26-f314]
Crane, Jasper E., 1960‑64 [31-rwl-mss-b26-f315]
Edmonds, Walter, 1938
Freedom Newspapers, 1960 [31-rwl-mss-b26-f317]
Freedom School, 1963-1964 (2 folders)
Hamilius, Jean‑Pierre, 1949 [31-rwl-mss-b26-f320]
"Janet and Bob", 1964
Kessler, Howard E., 1964
LeFevre, Robert, 1957‑1964 [31-rwl-mss-b26-f323]
MacBride, Roger, 1954, 1968‑1979 (2 folders)


MacBride, Roger and Susan, 1961-1967 (2 folders)
Meyer, Frank S., May 17, 1961 [31-rwl-mss-b27-f328]
National Education Council – Plain Talk Memo, undated [31-rwl-mss-b27-f329]
Pew, J. Howard, 1953 [31-rwl-mss-b27-f330]
Sennholz, Hans, 1955
Thompson, Dorothy, 1960
Thornton, 1964
Watts, Orval

Article Drafts – United Nations, Foreign Aid, undated
General, 1950-1968 (3 folders)

Westbrook, Ira E., 1953


Discovery of Liberty

Preliminary Draft – Roger MacBride, 1973 [31-rwl-mss-b27-f339]
Old World/New World

Part I

Draft with Comments by Orval Watts, 8 pages)
Draft (61 pages)
Draft – Original and Carbon (75 pages)
Early Draft (86 pages)


Beginnings (incomplete)

Typed Copy
Carbon Copy with Holograph Revisions
Fragments (3 folders)

Final Typescript
Final – Photocopy, Portions Missing, Holograph Revisions

Part II

Drafts (4 folders)


Fragments (2 folders)
Final – Duplicate Pages

Part III (?)

Draft – Europe's Fuedalism (pages 1-10)
Draft – Planned Economy (pages 34-47)

Final Draft (2 folders, assembled by Nancy DeHamer)


Additions (3 folders)


Resource Material (5 folders)
Revision of 1943 Version
Summer, 1962 

Diverging Roads, Sunset, 1918‑1919 (2 folders, print)
The Dog Wolf, Good Housekeeping, 1932 (manuscript and print)
Don't Send Your Son to College, Woman's Day, 1938 (manuscript and print)
Don't Tell Me How To Live My Life, Woman's Day,1939 (manuscript and print, aka Let’s Be Ourselves)


Dreadful House, Country Gentleman, 1936
Drive Like A Woman, Good Housekeeping, 1939
Drought, Country Gentleman, 1925 (manuscript and print)
Easy Idealism – Letter To The Editor, Forum, 1928
            Economic Council Review of Books, 1945‑1950
                     Bound Copy
                     Unbound Issues, 1945-1950 (2 folders)
            Ed Monroe, Man‑Hunter, The Bulletin, San Francisco, 1915 (print, fragment)
            Edelweiss on Chafa Shalit, Harpers, 1923 (printed)
            The Embattled Farmers, The Bulletin, San Francisco, 1918 (print, fragment)
            The Emerald, 1911

Plot Summary
Manuscript (2 folders, 103 pages)
Manuscript Rewrite, pp. 1‑46 and Carbon


Faces at the Window, Manuscript and Printed Copy
Fatima Meets the Heathen Lady, 1920
Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds, 1929
The Flowing Kava Bowl and My Darling Hope, Asia, 1919 (printed)
The Footprint, The Country Gentleman, Mar 21, 1925 (printed)
Force Won't Keep the Peace, Woman's Day, 1945
Forgotten Man, 1939 (manuscript, correspondence, photos)
Four Days In Azerbaijan, Harpers, Sept, 1933
Freedom Quotations Book

Ayn Rand Letter, 1944
Mimeo Copy With Revised RWL Introduction
Collected Quotations, pp. 1‑140
Lists of Quotations
Quotations (3 folders)


Free Land, Saturday Evening Post, 1938 (see also Pioneer Stories Response Mail)

Resource Material – Rose's Questionnaire For Almanzo Wilder on Dakota Territory
Outline and Manuscript Fragments
Printed, Saturday Evening Post, Sep 1938 (2 folders)

Frolic at Smilin’ Jim’s, Country Gentleman, May 1926
Give Me Liberty – Pamphlet and Copyright Registration, 1946, 1954
Gold Digger – Debate with Genevieve Parkhurst, 1928‑1929
Good Fences, Country Gentleman, 1935
Grandpa's Fiddle
Green Valley Stories

The Five Tined Fork, Country Gentleman, 1925
Good Roads, Country Gentleman, 1928
Handsome Is As Handsome Does, CountryGentleman, 1925
Old Man Obstinate
The Ruction In Eden, Country Gentleman, 1929
That Foreigner At Lathrop's
The Walnut Tree, Country Gentleman, 1926

Gypsy Trail, Ladies Home Journal, 1929
Happy Ending, Harper's Bazaar, 1936
Harvest, Harper's, 1929 (manuscript and printed)
He Was A Man – Reviews (2 folders)


Hill Billy Stories

The Footprint, Country Gentleman, 1925 (manuscript and printed)
Frolic at Smilin' Jim's, Country Gentleman, 1926 (manuscript and printed)
Hill Billy Pride, Country Gentleman, 1925 (printed)
Prairie Hollow Singing, Country Gentleman, 1926 (printed)
Proposed Sequel

Hired Girl, Saturday Evening Post, 1933

Manuscript and Printed Copy
Script for Play by Crane Wilbur

Home Over Saturday, Saturday Evening Post, 1937 (printed)
The Hope Chest, 1934

Ribbon Copy
Carbon Copy 

Horse and Buggy Days, Saturday Evening Post, 1936, (manuscript and printed)
The House of Zia Bey
How Can You Hold The Man You Love? Pictorial Review, 1928 (manuscript and print)
How I Wrote "Yarbwoman," The Writer, 1928 (printed)
The House of Zia Bey
I Discovered the Secret of Happiness, Cosmopolitan, June, 1926) Printed Copy Only
Immoral Woman, Ladies Home Journal, 1932) Manuscript, Printed Copy
Innocence, Harper's – Manuscript, Correspondence, 1922, 1924, 1928
In The Eagle's Nest of The World
The Insidious Enemy, Good Housekeeping, 1920)
It's the Sentiment, Ladies Home Journal, 1933) Manuscript and Printed Copy


I Was a Moscow Stenographer (outline and partial manuscript)
A Jitney Romance, The Bulletin, San Francisco, 1915), Printed Copy Only
Journey's Beginnings, Saturday Evening Post, 1936) Manuscript and Printed Copies
Let The Hurricane Roar, Saturday Evening Post, 1932, Book, 1933)

Saturday Evening Post (print)
The Reader's Digest, 1943 (print)
Radio Script, 1940
Reviews and Notices, 1933
Reviews, British, 1933

A Letter From Europe, American Red Cross, 1921
Life and Jack London, Sunset, 1917‑1918

Manuscript, Part 2
Printed (photocopy)

A Little Flyer In Inflation, Harper's, 1933 (printed)


Long May Our Land Be Bright, Cosmopolitan, 1939 (manuscript and printed)
Long Skirts, Ladies Home Journal, 1933 (manuscript)
The Making of Herbert Hoover, Illustration Notes by Rose
A Man in the House, Good Housekeeping, 1931 (manuscript and printed)
A Methodist Lady, 1930 (manuscript)
Minnesota Farm Boy, Woman's Day, 1940 (manuscript and print, Stassen Story)
Missouri Book

Clippings on Missouri History
Correspondence, 1935‑1938
Notebooks of Research Materials

Dates (2 books)
Subjects (15 books, 3 folders)


Resource Books

A View of The Soil and Climate of the U.S.A. by C.F. Volney, 1804
A View of The Lead Mines of Missouri by Henry R. Schoolcraft, 1819
Scenes and Adventures In The Semi‑Alpine Region of The Ozark Mountains of Missouri and Arkansas by Henry R. Schoolcraft, 1853 

Top of Page                                             

Typescript Notes and Outline


Version 1

Ribbon Copy (4 folders)


Carbon Copy (3 folders)

Version 2

Ribbon Copy (4 folders)
Carbon Copy (4 folders)


Manuscript Fragment

The Ozarks, pp. 294‑300
Original, pages 26‑33

Manuscript Drafts

Version 1 (3 folders)
Version 2 – Fragment
Unidentified Fragments
Austin Story Fragments
Manuscript Drafts and Carbon – Cacasotte

Mother No. 22,999, Good Housekeeping, 1920 (printed)
My House In The Country, Woman's Day, 1942, (printed)
My Uncle Ter‑Barsegh, Asia, 1921 (printed)
The Nature of Man and Government, Unpublished Manuscript


Newspaper Articles

The Bulletin, San Francisco
List of Serials, undated
Features, Feb-Apr 1915 (copies from microfilm)
The Money Makers Club, Apr-Jun 1915
Tuck'Em In The Corner Poems, Jan-Apr 1915 (typescripts, copies from microfilm)
Kansas City Post, May 1910
Rose Wilder Lane Answers Some Questions About Women, Mansfield Mirror, Mar 2, 1933 (poor copy from microfilm)
The Individual and Economic Aspects of Man, Pittsburgh Courier , 1944-1945 (3 folders)
Nice Old Lady, Saturday Evening Post, 1935 (typescript, magazine)
No Government Now?, undated (typescript)
Object Matrimony, Saturday Evening Post, 1934 (typescript, magazine)
Of A Pilgrimage To Mecca, The Independent, Dec 1924 (typescript, magazine, 3 issues)
O Lalala, The Gambler, Century, Aug 1919 (magazine)
Old Fashioned Christmas, 1934 (typescript)
Old Home Town, 1935 (typescripts)

Old Home Town
Old Maid
Hired Girl
Immoral Woman
Long Skirts
Traveling Man


Country Jake
Thankless Child
Nice Old Lady

Old Maid, Saturday Evening Post, 1932 (typescript, magazine)
One Thing In Common, Ladies Home Journal, 1928 (typescript, magazine)
Out of the East Christ Came, Good Housekeeping, November, 1919 (magazine)
O Wild Youth, 1936-1937 (typescript)
Own Your Own Home, Woman's Day, 1939 (typescript)
Owning Property – A Distinctively Human Function, undated (annotated typescript copy)
Ozark Play Party, 1930, 1937 (typescript, letter)
Padre Luigi of Kiri, Harper's, June 1923 (magazine)
Paid In Full, Country Gentleman, 1931 (typescript, magazine)
Parents Are People, undated (typescript)
Parkhurst/Wilder Debate On Love and Marriage, 1932, 1940 (typescript, correspondence)
The Passing of the Men of Ahao, Asia, 1919 (magazine)
Peaks of Shala – Reviews and Notices, 1923 (clippings)
The Perfect House, 1934 (typescript)
Perhaps by Chance, undated (typescript)
Personal Telegraph Notes – Induction, undated (typescript)
Pie Supper, American Magazine, 1934 (typescript, magazine, letter)
A Place In The Country, Country Gentleman, 1925 (magazine)
A Plea For Barbarity, 1931-1932 (typescript, letter)
Poetry, undated
Prairies Hollow Singing, Country Gentleman, Feb 1926 (magazine)


Ragusa, The Sleeping Beauty
A Revolt In A Teaspoon, Pine Tree, 1970
Reynard Runs, North American Review, 1930 (manuscript, Correspondence)
Romance, 1929 (Albanian)

Episode 1 – Book
Episode 1 – Serial
Episode 1 – Drafts and Fragments
Episode 2 – Fragments

The Screen Door, Harper's, 1925 (print)
She Really Believed It, Episode 1
Should We Help Our Children Marry, Woman's Day, 1938 (print)
Silk Dress, Ladies Home Journal, 1937 (manuscript, print)
1621: As It Really Was, 1929
Soldiers of The Soil, The Bulletin, San Francisco, 1916 (photocopy of print)


Some Natural Explanation – Manuscript, Correspondence, 1937
Sometimes Women Forget, 1929
A Son of the Soil – Outline and Notes (Story of Almanzo Wilder)
The Song without Words, Ladies Home Journal, 1937 (manuscript and print)
A Spool of Thread, 1931-1933 (manuscript and correspondence)
State's Evidence, Country Gentleman, 1933
Strange As Foreign Places, McCall's?, 1919
The Swallows Bring Happiness
Thankless Child, Saturday Evening Post, 1935 (manuscript and print)
Thanksgiving, Country Gentleman, 1926 (print)
The Thieves of Bari – Letter to Editor, Newsweek, 1944
Thirty‑Mile Neighbors, Country Gentleman, 1925 (print)
This Way to Baghdad, 1924
Tim McGuire
Traveling Man, 1931 and Old Home Town, 1935
Underground - Proposal and For Humanity – Manuscript and Correspondence, 1939
Veal Cutlets, Harper's, 1924


Vengeance, Liberty, 1934
Village Maiden, Redbook?, 1929
War! What the Women of America Can Do to Prevent It, Woman's Day, 1939 (print)
We Go To A Wedding, Woman's Day, 1940 (manuscript and print)
We May Have An American Famine, 1935 (manuscript and print)
West Of Danbury, Connecticut Nutmeg, 1938 (print)
We Who Have Sons, Woman's Day, 1939 (manuscript and print)
We Women Are Not Good Citizens, Woman's Day, 1939 (print)
What Has Happened To Education? 1937
What The Albanians Think Of Americans, Travel, 1927 (print)
Winding Road, Ladies Home Journal, 1929 (see also Dangerous Curve)
A Woman's Place Is In The Home, Ladies Home Journal, 1936 (manuscript and print)
The World Is Round – Notes
Yarbwoman, Harper's, 1927 (manuscript and print)
Untitled/undated Manuscripts

"Before we went to Minnesota..." (part 4, pp. 14‑19)
Disappearance of American Home
"...going to Palmyra." (Written 1924)
"...how did one find a cook in Paris?"
Marriage vs. Love
Mr. Squirrel Story
"...that week in Brittany"
Value of Handwork
Woman's Day Article "on remodeling Danbury House", ca.1949‑50?
Miscellaneous Printed Items
Writing Ideas, Manuscripts, Fragments, Misc.
Resource Material For Stories

Letters – R. B. Barnes to Minnie, 1965, 1873‑1874
William Craig's Memoir – Moving from North Carolina to Missouri

Manuscript Folders Found Empty

The Lady and the Tycoon

Typescript of Selected Letters, 1946‑1953
Draft Index



On The Way Home by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Rose Wilder Lane by Rose Wilder Lane and Roger Lea MacBride
The Lady and the Tycoon edited by Roger Lea MacBride
Henry Ford's Own Story by Rose Wilder Lane
Let The Hurricane Roar by Rose Wilder Lane
The Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane
Sunset Magazine, 1920 April-September


White Shadows In The South Seas by Frederick O'Brien
Free Land by Rose Wilder Lane
He Was A Man by Rose Wilder Lane
Social Fallacies by Frederic Bastiat
The Nature of Man and His Government by Robert LeFevre
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Bibliography by Mary J. Mooney‑Getoff
Charlie Chaplin's Own Story edited by Harry M. Geduld
Peaks of Shala by Rose Wilder Lane
The Making of Herbert Hoover by Rose Wilder Lane (library E802.L26)

Top of Page



Woman's Day Articles and Books

Crochet an Heirloom Coverlet, June 1940
America Tells Her Story In Needlework, Patchwork, Aug 1940
Everyone's Making Hooked Rugs, Sep 1940
Holiday Tablecloth, Cross Stitch, Oct 1940

American Needlework Series:

Crewel Work, Apr 1941
Patchwork, May 1941
Hooking, June 1941
Cross Stitch, July 1941
Knitting, Aug 1941
Applique, Sep 1941
Quilting, Oct 1941
Crochet, Nov 1941 (?)
Weaving, Dec 1941
Needlepoint, Jan 1942 (?)
Outline, Feb 1942
The Story of American Needlework, Mar 1942 

Today’s American Needlework Series:

Today's Crewel, May 1942
Today's Applique, June 1942
Today's Quilting, July 1942

The Story of American Needlework – Manuscript Fragments

The Story of American Needlework, Feb 1961
Crewel, Mar 1961
Patchwork, Apr 1961
Cross Stitch, May 1961


Hooking, Sep 1961
Knitting, Oct 1961
Applique, Nov 1961
Crochet, Dec 1961
Quilting, Jan 1962
Embroidery, Feb 1962
Weaving, Mar 1962
Needlepoint, Apr 1962
Candlewicking, May 1962
Hawaiian Quilts, May 1963
The Story of American Needlework Book, 1964-1965

Collected Needlework Patterns

Patterns and Designs (by Lane?)

General Publications
Woman's Day Publications



General (2 folders)
Edgings (2 folders)
Edgings – Letter and Patterns from Cora Anthony
Hats and Bags
Tablecloths, Bedspreads, Doilies


Tablecloths, Bedspreads, Doilies

Patterns Collected By

Helen Symanowicz
Laura Ingalls Wilder

Irish Crochet
Doilies (Snowflakes), Edgings

Cross‑Stitch Patterns Collected by Laura Wilder

Embroidery Transfer Patterns
Hairpin Lace
Knitting – Clothing (2 folders)


Edges and Spreads

Patterns Collected by Laura Ingalls Wilder


Rugs – Crocheted and Hooked

Needlework Magazines

The Workbasket, 1951 (2 issues)
200 American Home Interiors
750 American Home Patterns
MCCALL NEEDLEWORK MAGAZINE, 1945-1955 (18 issues)
McCall Pattern Book 1951, Spring


56        Delineator – Grace Loucks
(OS)             March, 1894
                     June 1896
            Needlecraft Magazine, 1916, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1925 (7 issues)
            Needlework Magazines
                     McCall Needlework, 1925, 1936-1937 (2 folders)
                     Lydia's Apron Pattern
                     Peasants Dancing – Filet Crochet

Top of Page



Individuals and Subjects

Anderson, William, Identification of Photos
Boyleston, Helen D. (Troub)
Clark, Charles R.
Dow, Grace Ingalls
Dow, Nate and Grace Ingalls
Ingalls, Charles
Ingalls-Quiner Relatives
Ingalls, Mary
Jackson, Elsie
Kamp, Mildred Hall
Lane, Gillette and Laura Ingalls Wilder
Lane, Rose Wilder

California, undated
Crowley, Louisiana, 1903-1904
Dogs, undated
Friends and Children, undated
Kansas City, 1905, 1910 (2 folders)
San Francisco, 1912-1917
San Francisco Exposition, Missouri Exhibits, 1915
Hetch‑Hetchy, California, 1916-1918
San Francisco, 1918
San Francisco, 1920
Paris, 1920-1921
Brittany, France, 1921
Greece, 1923
New York, 1923-1924 (2 folders)
Auto, 1925
New York, circa 1928-1930
Portrait by Russell Ogg, 1942
Unknown, undated

MacBride, Roger (parents)
Morgan, Alfred and Lydia
Murray, Corinne
Ogg, Norma Lee Browning and Dog
Old Georgeai
Turner, John and Al
Webber, Clara J.
Wilder Family
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, Almanzo and Friends
Wilson, Mrs., Mansfield Clubwoman in Arizona

Top of Page






Budapest, Hungary
Near East Relief
Poland – Red Cross Photos
Ragusa (Italy) – Dubrovnik (Yugoslavia)
Refugee Pictures – Multiple Countries
Switzerland, Geneva

Caliph Series
Salona Photos

United States

Danbury House, Connecticut
DeSmet, South Dakota – Surveyor's House
Harlingen, Texas, Rose Wilder Lane House

Jan 1965
circa 1967
Booth Studio Photos, 1968
Roger MacBride Photos, 1968
Rose's Garden Party

Mansfield (?) Apple Warehouse
Mansfield, Missouri
Mansfield Rocky Ridge Farm

Rock House
Wilder Home and Museum

Mansfield Rocky Ridge Farm House

Dining Room
Living Room
Sleeping Porch

New York
New York City, Rose's "Slum" Apartment
Yellowstone National Park

Top of Page



Armenia, Tiflis
Austria, Vienna
Czechoslovakia, Prague

St. Germain‑en‑Laye

Germany, Berlin
Great Britain, London – National Gallery


Hungary, Budapest


Middle East

Bedouin Women


Tatra Mountains and Zakopane

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


United States

Bosnia and Hercegovina
Dubrovnik (Ragusa)


People and Clothing


Notes on Books Read (see Diary and Notes)


Fan Mail, 1942-1954 (8 folders, copies)


Magazines with Articles by Rose Wilder Lane

The Country Gentleman (March 14, 1925- May, 1931) (10 items)

March 14, 1925 (A Place in the Country)
March 21, 1925 (The Footprint)
April 25, 1925 (Handsome is as Handsome Does)
May 2, 1925 (No Article, Mentioned as part of next edition)
May 30, 1925 (No Article)
December, 1925 (Hill-Billy Pride)
February, 1926 (Prairie Hollow Singing)
May, 1926 (Frolic at Smilin’ Jim’s)
December, 1926 (No Article)
May, 1931 (Paid in Full)

Good Housekeeping, Feb 1931 (1 item, no article)
Ladies’ Home Journal

A Bit of Gray in a Blue Sky, Aug 1919
One Thing in Common, Sep 1928
Gypsy Trail, Feb 1929
Winding Road, Nov 1929
Immoral Woman, Sep 1932
It’s the Sentiment, Dec 1933
Woman’s Place is in the House, Oct 1936
The Song without Words, Mar 1937
Silk Dress, Aug 1937


The Saturday Evening Post

Old Maid, July 23, 1932
Country Jake, Aug 26, 1933
Hired Girl, Nov 11, 1933
Object, Matrimony, Sep 1, 1934
Thankless Child, Feb 2, 1935
Nice Old Lady, July 6, 1935
Journey’s Beginning, Sep 12, 1936
The Horse-and-Buggy Days, Nov 21, 1936
Free Land, Mar 5-Apr 23, 1938 (8 parts)
The American Revolution, Jan 7, 1939

Reference Material

The American Mercury, Oct 1934
The Delineator Magazine, 1894, 1896 (2 items)
Fabric, Stitching pattern and white cloth
Harper’s Magazine, 1922
Japanese Garden by M. Hagiwara, undated
Lydia Apron Pattern, undated
McCall Needlework Magazine, 1925, 1936 (2 items)
Needlecraft Magazine 1916-1925 (7 items)

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