Contact Us

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum

210 Parkside Drive; P.O. Box 488
West Branch, IA 52358
Phone: (319) 643-5301
Fax: (319) 643-6045
Email General:
Email Education/tours:

Office of Presidential Libraries

National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, Room 2200
College Park, MD 20740
Phone: (301) 837-3250
Fax: (301) 837-3199

Hoover Presidential Foundation

Hoover Presidential Foundation
127 W. Main Street
West Branch, IA 52358


Herbert Hoover National Historic Site

National Park Service
110 Parkside Drive; P.O. Box 607
West Branch, IA 52358
Phone: (319) 643-2541