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Manuscript Collections - State Department Records


15 linear feet, 9 linear inches (36 LGA-S boxes)
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library


Francis White entered the Foreign Service in 1913. After postings to Beijing, Tehran and Havana, he became Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs in 1923, and Assistant Secretary of State in 1927. White was councilor of the American delegation to the 6th International Conference of American States at Havana, 1928. He also was a delegate to the 4th Pan American Commercial Conference at Washington in 1931, and served as chair of the Commission of Neutrals for the Bolivia/Paraguay Dispute in the Chaco from 1929-1933.

The Tacna-Arica Question embittered relations between Chile and Peru until diplomatic relations were reestablished after the 6th International Conference of American States in Havana. Herbert Hoover played a role in negotiations by meeting with the principals during his visit as President-elect to Peru and Chile in December 1928.


Francis White's work on Latin American affairs is documented by materials on the 6th International Conference of American States at Havana and its direct outcome – the International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration. These files also contain materials documenting White's involvement in the Peru-Colombia question over Leticia, the Guatemala-Honduras Boundary Dispute, Panama, the Platt Amendment with Cuba, and the Tacna-Arica Boundary Commission.


Boxes  Contents

1-12     NAME AND SUBJECT FILES, 1924-1934, 12 containers.
            Letters, memoranda and instructions between Francis White and United States
            Department of State Missions in Latin America, diplomatic officials, Executive
            Departments, and individuals. Arranged alphabetically by individual and subject.

13-19   COUNTRY FILES, 1907-1933, 7 containers.
            Printed material, memoranda of conversations, informal letters and formal notes
            generated by White as Assistant Secretary of State.  Arranged alphabetically by country.

            Conferences Subseries
            Records and memoranda relating to international conferences with Latin America
            countries.  Arranged alphabetically by title of conference.

            Treaties Subseries
            Memoranda, printed material, press releases, reports, histories, minutes, clippings,
            addresses, notes, telegrams and letters relating to disputes and treaties involving United
            States and Latin America.  Arranged alphabetically by the title of the treaty.

The Country Files and Name and Subject Files have been cross-referenced.



Box      Contents

1          A, General, 1927‑33
            Abelli, Don Luis O., 1931
            Agriculture, Department of, 1928‑31
            Alfaro, Don Ricardo, 1926‑29
            Allen, Douglas Hedden, 1928‑33
            Ames, Joseph S., 1929‑32
            Armory, Copley Jr., 1928‑31
            Armour, Norman, 1928‑33
            Arms Embargo, 1926‑33
            Atherton, Ray, 1928-1933 (2 folders)
            Aviation, 1927‑32
            B, General, 1927‑33
            Bacon, Robert L., 1927‑29
            Bading, Gerhard A., 1928
            Bailie, Earl, 1927‑31
            Baron, Don Jose T., 1930‑33
            Bannerman, R.C., 1928‑32
            Beaulac, Willard, 1929‑32
            Behn, Hernard, 1928‑34
            Belin, F. Lammot, 1926
            Bellegarde, Dantes, 1931‑32
            Bingham, Hiram, 1929‑30
            Blair, Percy A., 1927
            Blair, William McCormick, 1928‑31
            Bliss, Robert W., 1927-1928 (3 folders)

2          Bliss, Robert W., 1929 (6 folders)
            Boal, Pierre de Lagarde, 1927‑1932
            Breck, Henry C., 1927‑1932
            Burgess, Harry, 1929‑1931
            Burgos, Antonio, 1927‑1933
            Buttenheim, Arthur W., 1929
            C, General, 1927‑1933
            Caffery, Jefferson, 1927-1930 (3 folders)

3          Caffery, Jefferson, 1931-1933 (2 folders)
            Cameron, Charles R., 1928‑1932
            Canales Salazar, Felix, 1930‑1933
            Carey, Francis King, 1929‑1930
            Carr, Wilbur J., 1929‑1931
            Castle, William R. Jr., 1927‑1931
            Cesar, Don Alejandro, 1928
            Challacombe, A.D., 1929
            Chamber of Commerce, 1933
            Chamorro, Emiliano, 1929‑1930
            Chevy Chase Club, 1931‑1932
            Chittenden, George F., 1929‑1931
            Clark, J. Rueben, 1931‑1932
            Cohen, Benjamin, 1930‑1933
            Collier, William Miller, 1928
            Commerce Department, 1927‑1932
            Cook, Willis C., 1928
            Coolidge, Calvin  SEE:  President
            Cotten, Benjamin, 1930
            Cotton, Joseph P., 1930
            Cox, Raymond, 1930
            Crowder, E.H., 1921‑1930
            Cruchago, Miguel, 1932
            Culbertson, Paul D., 1926
            Culbertson, William S., 1928-1932 (2 folders)
                     See Also:  Conferences & Treaties, Tacna‑Arica
            Cumberland, W.W., 1927‑1932
            Cunningham, Charles H., 1928‑1929
            Curtis, Charles, 1927
            Curtis, Charles B., 1927-1931 (3 folders)

4          D, General, 1928‑33
            Davila, De Vincente, 1932‑33
            Davis, James J., 1930
            Davis, Roy T., 1926-1933 (3 folders)
            Davison, F. Trubee, 1933
            Dawson, Allan, 1931
            De Amaral, S. Gurgel, 1930
            Dearing, Fred Morris, 1928-1933 (5 folders)
            De Freyre y Santander, Don Manuel, 1931‑32
            Dennis, William C., 1925-1931 (2 folders)
            Diaz, Adolfo, 1932
            Diez de Medina, Don Eduardo, 1931‑32
            Dodds, Harold W., 1927‑29
            Dulles, Allen, 1924‑33
            Dunn, Gano, 1927‑29
            Dunn, William E., 1931
            E, General, 1928‑31
            Eberhardt, Charles C., 1927‑29
            Eberstadt, Ferdinand, 1929‑30
            Encyclopedia Britannica, 1925‑29
            Engert, Cornelius Van, 1927‑31

5          F, General, 1927‑31
            Federal Reserve Board, 1927
            Feely, Edward F., 1927‑32
            Ferrara, Don Orestes, 1928‑33
            Finot, Enrique, 1931‑32
            Fletcher, Henry P., 1927‑31
            Flower, William P., 1929‑33
            Fosdick, Raymond B., 1930‑32
            Fuller, B.H., 1930
            G, General, 1927‑33
            Gade, Gerhard, 1928‑30
            Garrett, John W., 1928‑30
            Garrigues, John K., 1930
            Gibson, Hugh, 1931
            Gil, Enrique, 1930‑32
            Gilbert, Prentiss, 1930
            Glover, Charles C., 1928‑29
            Grant‑Smith, U., 1927‑30
            Greene, Elbridge Gerry, 1930‑31
            Greene, Whiting S., 1928‑32
            Grew, Joseph C., 1924‑28
            Guarantee Trust Co., 1928‑32
            Guerrero Montalvan, S., 1927‑32
            Guggenheim, Harry F., 1930‑32
            H, General, 1927‑33
            Hale, Frederick, 1929‑32
            Ham, Clifford, 1924‑28
            Hambleton, John A., 1928‑29
            Hamlin, John W., 1928‑29
            Hammond, Ogden H., 1927‑28
            Hanna, Matthew E., 1927-1931 (4 folders)

6          Hanna, Matthew E., 1932‑1933
            Harrison, Leland, 1928‑30
            Hawks, Stanley, 1928
            Healy, Thomas, 1927-1931 (2 folders)
            Herrick, Myron T., 1927‑28
            Hoover, Herbert, 1928  See Also:  President, The
            Hosmer, Charles Brigham, 1931
            Howe, Walter Bruce, 1928‑30
            Howland, Charles P., 1929
            Hughes, Charles Evans, 1923-1933 (4 folders)
            Hyde, Charles Cheney, 1926‑31
            I, General, 1927‑32
            Iglehart, Iredell W., 1931‑32
            Interior Department, 1930‑32
            J, General, 1928‑33
            Jackson, William K., 1930
            Jahncke, Ernest Lee, 1931‑33
            Johnson, Hallett, 1928‑32
            Johnson, Herschel V., 1930
            Johnson, Nelson T., 1932
            Johnson, Pyke, 1928‑31
            Jones, Dewitt Clinton, 1929
            Jones, Edmund H., 1928
            Judah, Noble Brandon, 1927-1932 (2 folders)
            Justice Department, 1929‑31
            K, General, 1928‑32
            Kelley, Robert F., 1925, 1931 (2 folders)
            Kellogg, Frank B., 1929‑31

7          Kemmerer, E.W., 1927‑32
            King, William H., 1930‑32
            Klein, Julius, 1931‑33
            Kliefoth, Alfred W., 1930
            Kreeck, George L., 1927‑32
            L, General, 1927‑33
            Lancaster, William W., 1928‑32
            Lane, Arthur Bliss, 1928‑33
            Larcequi, F., 1931
            Lay, Julius, 1928-1933 (3 folders) [31-sdfw-b07-f06, 31-sdfw-b07-f07, 31-sdfw-b07-f08]
            Leiva, Don Carlos, 1932
            de Lima e Silva, R., 1931
            Lindberg, A.F., 1928‑32
            Linnell, Irving, 1926
            Little, Louis McCarty, 1931
            Llaverias, Federico, 1932
            Lloyd, B.J., 1931
            Long, John D., 1928‑30
            Louman, Seymour, 1931
            Lozano, Fabio, 1931
            M, General, 1927‑32
            McConnico, Andrew J., 1928
            McCoy, Frank R., 1927-1931 (4 folders)
            MacCracken, William P., Jr., 1929‑30
            McCulloh, Allan, 1930
            McGuire, Constantine E., 1928
            McKinney, Roland J., 1930‑31
            McLaran, Percy B., 1928‑31
            MacMurray, J.V.A., 1927‑32
            Mallet‑Prevost, S., 1932‑33
            Maphis, Charles Gilmore, 1928‑29
            Mariategui, Don Focion, 1928‑29
            Marriott, James C., 1928‑30
            Marsh, Benjamin C., 1928
            Martin, C.C., 1931‑33
            Martin, John F., 1928‑29
            Martinez‑Ortiz, Rafael, 1929‑30
            Marvin, Thomas O., 1927
            Maurtua, Don Victor M., 1929‑33
            Mayer, Ferdinand L., 1927‑30

8          Mayper, Joseph, 1931‑32
            Mendez, Erasmo, 1932
            Menge, Edward J., 1927
            Merrill, A.S., 1928
            Merrill, John L., 1928‑33
            Messersmith, George S., 1928‑30
            Meyer, Cord, 1927‑31
            Miami, City of, 1929‑32
            Miller, Harlan, 1926
            Miller, Orie O., 1932
            Millspaugh, Arthur C., 1927
            Moncada, Jose Maria, 1929‑31
            Moore, Alexander P., 1928‑29
            Morgan, Edwin V., 1926-1933 (2 folders)
            Morgan, Shepard, 1931‑32
            Morgan, Stokely W., 1926‑32
            Morrow, Jay J., 1927‑30
            Munoz, Pedro, 1931
            Munro, Dana G., 1924-1932 (6 folders)
            Muse, Benjamin, 1929‑31

9          N, General, 1928‑32
            National City Bank of New York, 1927‑32
            Navy Department, 1926‑32
            Norweb, R. Henry, 1930‑33
            Noyes, Newbold, 1931
            O, General, 1927‑32
            Oddie, Tasker L., 1928
            Office Matters, 1925‑33, undated
            Olaya Herrera, Enrique, 1927‑33
            Olds, Robert E., 1927‑28
            O'Shaughnessy, Michael, 1930‑31
            Owens, Clarence J., 1927
            P, General, 1927‑32
            Pabst, Gustave, 1929‑30
            Padin, Jose, 1927
            Pan American Airways, 1927-1932 (2 folders)
            Pan American Information Service (SIPA), 1931‑32
            Pan American Union, 1926‑32
            Patchin, Robert H., 1929‑33
            Pearson, Frederick F.A., 1927‑28
            Penfield, Walter S., 1926‑29
            Perales, Alonso S., 1927‑32
            Phenix, Spencer, 1930‑31
            Philip, Hoffman, 1932
            Pierce, Palmer E., 1932
            Planet Cordero, Antonio, 1928‑29
            Poindexter, Miles, 1927
            Points, J. Frank, 1928
            Polk, Frank L., 1928‑32
            Poole, DeWitt C., 1928
            Postal Service Department, 1927‑30
            President, The, 1927-1933 (2 folders)
            Prestes, Julio, 1930
            Publicity, 1927‑28
            Pugsley, Chester D., 1931
            Pullian, William E., 1928‑32
            R, General, 1928‑33
            Rand, Elbridge E., 1928‑29
            Recinos, Don Adrian, 1928‑32

10        Reed, Edward L., 1928-1931 (2 folders)
            Reeves, Alfred, 1927‑31
            Reilly, James A., 1928
            Requa, Mark L., 1929
            Riddle, John W., 1927‑32
            Robbins, Warren D., 1928‑1931 [31-sdfw-b10-f07]
            Robertson, Thomas E., 1929
            Robinson, Joseph T., 1927
            Rogers, Leighton W., 1930
            Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1933  See Also:  President
            Root, Elihu, 1927
            Rowe, L. S., 1927-1933 (4 folders)
            Rue, Sydney de la
                     Correspondence, 1929‑1933
                     Financial Service Testimony Exhibits, 1930
            Russell, Charles, 1930‑32
            Russell, John H., 1928‑31
            S, General, 1927‑33
            Sacasa, Juan B., 1932
            Salazar, Carlos, 1930‑32
            Schoenfeld, H.F. Arthur, 1928-1932 (3 folders)

11        Schoenfeld, H.F. Arthur, 1933
            Schurman, Jacob Gould, 1928‑1929
            Scott, James Brown, 1927‑1933
            Scott, Winthrop R., 1927‑1933
            Sessel, Ben F., 1927‑1932
            Sheffield, James R., 1930
            Silva Pena, Eugenio, 1930‑1931
            SIPA  See:  Pan American Information Service
            Sitarz, Hans, 1931‑1932
            Smith, Harold W., 1933
            Smoot, Reed, 1932
            Soler, Juan Jose, 1930‑32
            South, John Glover, 1928
            Southerland, J. Julien, 1932‑33
            Stabler, Jordan Herbert, 1926‑32
            State Department Publications
                              Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon, 1924
                              Documents & Correspondence with Respect to the Control of International
                                       Trade in Arms, Munitions & Implements of War, 1925
                     Memorandum on the Essential Factors Involved in Establishing Normal Relations
                              with the Soviet Regime, 1925
            Stein, E., 1932
            Sterling, Frederick A., 1928
            Sterling, M. Marquez, 1930‑32
            Stimson, Henry L., 1927-1933 (2 folders)
            Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1929‑30
            Summerlin, George T., 1926-1932 (2 folders)
            T, General, 1927‑32
            Tariff Commission, U.S., 1927‑28
            Thomas, Eugene P., 1933
            Thompson, Wallace, 1927‑32
            Thurston, Walter C., 1927‑1932 [31-sdfw-b11-f30]
            Tinkham, George Holden, 1926
            Treasury Department, 1927‑31
            Trigueros, Don Enrique, 1927
            V, General, 1927‑31
            Vasconselles, Cesar, 1931‑32
            Vasquez, Mariano, 1930‑33
            Velasquez, Don Eduardo Aguire, 1930

12        W, General, 1927‑32
            Wallace, William T., 1928‑31
            War Department, 1927‑32
            Welles, Sumner, 1928-1933 (2 folders)
            Wheeler, Post, 1930‑33
            White, John Campbell, 1928‑33
            Whitehouse, Sheldon, 1927‑32
            Wilbur, Ray Lyman, 1927‑31
            Wiley, John C., 1924‑29
            Williams, James T. Jr. 1928‑29
            Williamson, Harold L., 1926‑31
            Wilson, Edwin C., 1928‑31
            Wilson, George G., 1929‑30
            Wilson, Hugh R., 1924‑33
            Winchester, Marshall, 1930
            Winslow, Lanier, 1927
            Winston, Garrard, 1929-1932 (2 folders)
            Woodward, Clark H., 1933
            Woolsey, Lester H., 1931
            Worthington, Valentine, 1927
            Wright, J. Butler, 1926‑32
            Y, General, 1929‑32
            Young, Arthur N., 1927
            Young, Evan, 1926-1932 (2 folders)

Top of Page


Box      Contents

13        Argentina, 1927-1933 (2 folders)
            Belgium  See:  Individual & Subject, Reed, Edward L.
            Bolivia, 1928‑33
            Brazil, 1927-1933 (2 folders)
            Canada  See:  Individual & Subject, Boal, Pierre de Legarde
            Carribean, undated
            Chile, 1928-1933 (2 folders)
                     General, 1927-1933 (2 folders)
                     Barca Concession, 1927-1932 and undated (3 folders)
                     Wallace, William T., 1928
            Costa Rica, 1928‑32
                     General, 1927-1931 (2 folders)

14                 General, 1932‑1933
                     Constitution, 1928
                     Financial & Political Matters, 1920‑32
                     Legislative Activities, undated
                     Statement by Francis White, 1926
            Dominican Republic
                     General, 1927-1933 (4 folders)
                     Customs Receivership, 1907, 1924
            Ecuador, 1927‑33
            England: See:  Individual & Subject, Cox, Raymond, Atherton, Raymond
            France: See:  Individual & Subject, Armour, Norman
            Germany: See:  Individual & Subject, Klieforth, Alfred
            Guatemala, 1928‑32
                     General, 1926-1933 (3 folders)
                     Report, 1930 (2 folders)

15                 Report Appendix, 1930
            Honduras, 1923‑1933
            Italy: See:  N&S - 1.  Hosmer, Charles - 2.  Fletcher, Henry P.
            Latin American
                     Financial Relations, 1922-1933 (2 folders)
                     Missions Personnel, 1928‑29
                     Protection of U.S. Citizens & Property, 1927‑28
                     Review of Questions of Major Interest in Relations of U.S., 1929‑1933
                              Vol. 1 (6 folders, includes – Policy of Recognition, Central American Treaty of
                                       Peace and Amity, Bolivia/Paraguay: The Chaco Conflict)
                              Vol. 2 (7 folders, includes – Colombia/Peru: The Leticia Incident, Proposed
                                       Embargo on the Exportation of Arms, Brazil, American Interests in
                                       Chile, Cosach, Colombia)
                              Vol. 3 (8 folders, includes – Cuba, Dominican Republic, Boundary Dispute
                                       Between Guatemala and Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama, Pan
                                       American Union and Inter‑American Conference

16        Mexico
                     General, 1926-1933 (4 folders)
                     La Doctrina Estrada, 1930‑31
            Netherlands: See:  Individual & Subject, Johnson, Hallett
                     General, 1924-1932 (7 folders)

17                 American Electoral Mission, 1928
                              Photographic Section
                              First Section
                              Second Section

18                          Third Section
                              Appendix "S" and "T"
                     Cumberland, W.W., Economic & Financial Survey, 1928
                     Election Rules, undated
                     Financial Plan, June-July 1928 (4 folders)
                     History, 1927
                     National Loan External Sinking Fund, 1928
            Norway: See:  Individual & Subject, Philip, Hoffman
                     General, 1923-1933 (4 folders)

19                 Brown, Herbert D., Report on Financial Administration, 1929
            Paraguay, 1929‑33
            Portugal: See:  Individual & Subject, Thurston, Walter C.
            Salvador, 1929‑32
                     See:  Individual & Subject,
                              1.  Hammond, Ogden
                              2.  Blair, Percy A.
                     See:  Individual & Subject,
                              1.  Harrison, Leland
                              2.  Greene, Winthrop S.
                     See:  Individual & Subject, Gilbert, Prentiss
            Uruguay, 1928-1933 (2 folders)
            Venezuela, 1927‑1933



Box      Contents

20        Conferences
                     Inter‑American Conferences, List of, 1826‑1931
                     International Conference of American States
                              Santiago (Fifth), 1923
                                       Actas de las Sesiones de las Comisiones
                                       Additional & Supplementary Convention
                              Havana (Sixth), 1928
                                       Acta Final
                                       Articles & Addresses
                                       Commercial Aviation, 1928
                                       Diario, Republica de Cuba, Jan 1928
21                                   Diario, Republica de Cuba,  Feb 1928 (2 folders)
                                       Instructions to Delegates
                                       Pueyrredon, Honorio, Resignation
                                       Ratifications, Motions, Agreements, Resolutions, 1928‑32
                                       U.S. Delegation Staff
                              Montevideo (Seventh), 1931‑33
                     International Conference of American States on Conciliation & Arbitration,
                                       Washington, 1928‑29
                              Bases of Arbitration
                              Chaco Boreal, Map of, 1929
                              Committee on Arbitration, Minutes
                              Convention on Conciliation, Draft
                                       Titles of Delegates
                              Final Act
                              Foreign Policy Association, Information Service, Oct 28, 1928
                              Inter‑American Conciliation, General Convention on, 1929
                              Modelo de Protocolo Anexo a la Convencion
                              Opening Session, Dec 10, 1928
                              Previous Treaties, 1928

22                          Proceedings
                                       Provisional, 1928-1929 (3 folders)
                                       English Draft Revision, 1928-1929 (3 folders)
                                       French Draft Revision, 1928-1929 (3 folders)
                                       Portuguese Draft Revision, 1928-1929 (3 folders)
                                       Spanish Draft Revision, 1928-1929 (4 folders)

23                          Progressive Arbitration
                              Proposed Rules
                              Resolutions, 1928
                     Pan American Conference (1st), 1890
                     Pan American Commercial Conference, Washington (4th), 1931
                              Cuba, Republic of, Protection of Patents
                                                7940, 7963
                                                7982, 8022
                              Documentary Material – Topics 1-22 (4 folders)
                              Final Act
                              Memorandum & Proyecto
                              Representation Expected to Attend
                              United States Delegates

24        Treaties    
                     Arbitration and Conciliation Treaty Relationships, 1904‑1928
                     Calvo Clause (Pecuniary Claims), 1906‑1927
                     Chaco (Bolivia/Paraguay)
                              General, 1929-1932 and undated (4 folders)
                              Bolivian Delegation
                                       Memos of Conversations, 1931-1933 (3 folders)
                                       Reply to Paraguayan Memorandum, 1932
                                       Telegrams, 1932 (4 folders)
                              Commission of Inquiry and Conciliation
                                       Agenda, 1929
                                       Protocol, 1928
                                       Report of the Chairman, 1929
                              Commission of Neutrals
                                       Argentine Republic, 1932‑33
                                       Bolivia/Paraguay Correspondence, 1929‑32
                                                Bolivian Copy

25                                            Paraguayan Copy
                                       European Countries, Memos of Conversations, 1931‑32
                                       Meetings Minutes, 1929, 1931-1932 (3 folders)
                                                Correspondence, 1933
                                                Memos of Conversations, 1928-1933 (2 folders)
                              Histories of the Dispute, 1933
                              Latin American Countries, Memos of Conversations, 1931-1933 (2 folders)
                              Maps, 1929
                              Negotiations, Memorandum, 1932
                              Non‑Agression Pact
                                       Bolivian Project, 1931‑32
                                       Draft, undated
                                       Inaugural Meeting, 1931
                                       Paraguayan Project, 1932
                              Paraguayan Delegation
                                       Memos of Conversations, 1931-1933 (3 folders)
                                       Notes, 1931

26                                   Reply, 1932
                                       Draft Copy
                                       Published Copy
                                       Telegrams, 1932 (3 folders)
                              Press Releases, 1929-1932 (2 folders)
                              Prohibition of Arms Exportation, 1932
                              Renunciation of War, General Pact, 1932‑33
                              Summary of Documents, 1932
                              Synopsis of Controversy, 1931
                              United States, Memos of Conversations 1932‑33
                              Vote at 4th Plenary Meeting, 1932
                              Clippings, 1929‑32
                     General Treaty of Inter‑American Arbitration, 1929‑32

27                 Guatemala/Honduras Boundary Dispute
                              General, 1928‑33
                              A Modern Boundary Question, 1928
                              Central American Tribunal, 1930
                                       Draft, 1930
                                       Supplementary, 1930
                              Description of Territory, 1927‑31
                              Final Act, 1930
                              Final Approved Text, 1930
                              Guatemala Delegation, 1926‑32
                                       Delegation, 1916‑30
                              Map, 1929
                              Study & Plan, 1930
                                       Guatemala, Census of 1930, Preliminaries, 1932
                                       Guatemala/Honduras Boundary Arbitration
                                       Acts of the Mixed Technical Commission of Limits, 1908-10,
                                                Aug‑Dec, 1929
                                       Brief Submitted by Honduras, 1931
                                       Opinion & Judgement, 1932
                                       Rejoinder of Honduras, 1932
                                       Limites Entre Guatemala & Honduras
                                                            August, No. 17
                                                            September, No. 18
                                                            November, No. 19
                                                            March, No. 20
28                                   Dispute
                                                Alegato, 1932
                                                Annexes, 1932
                                                Counter‑Case of Guatemala, 1932
                                                Counter‑Case of Honduras, 1932
                                                Opinion & Award, 1933
                                                Reply of Guatemala to Counter‑Case of Honduras, 1932
                                                Mediation, 1918‑19
                                                            Vol. I
                                                            Vol. II
29                 Haiti, 1915‑22
                     Leticia Question (Peru/Colombia)
                              General, 1932‑33
                              Chronology, 1933
                              Council of League of Nations, 1933
                              Geographical Society of Peru & Historical Institute of Peru, Report, 1932
                              Memos of Conversations
                                       Colombian Delegation, 1932‑1933
                                       Other Interested Individuals, 1932-1933 (2 folders)
                                       Peruvian Delegation, 1932
                              Memoranda, 1932
                                       Colombian Delegation
                                       Government of Peru
                              Press Releases, 1933
                              Stipulations, undated
                              Clippings, 1932
                     Monroe Doctrine, 1929‑32, undated
                     Nicaragua/Honduras Boundary Dispute, 1931
                     Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, 1928‑31

30                 Panama
                              General, 1921-1929 (15 folders)

31                          Boundaries
                                       Colombia, 1922‑23
                                       Costa Rica, 1921‑24
                                       United States, 1914‑15
                              Commerce, undated
                                                Correspondence, 1924‑25
                                                Index of Subjects, 1924
                                                Exchange of Notes, 1926
                                                Meeting Minutes, Mar –July 1924 (5 folders)
                              Congressional Record, 1923
                              Convention, 1903‑04
                              Draft, 1928, 1930 (2 folders)
                              Draft Substitute Reservation, 1932
                                                14‑19, 21, 23, 27‑28, 30‑32, 34, 35, 37
                              General Claims Convention, 1924‑26
                              Health, undated

32                          Instructions to American Representatives for the Negotiation, undated
                              Interpretation of the Treaty, 1903
                              Isthmian Canal Commission, 1904‑1911
                              Lands, 1891, 1921, 1924, undated
                              Panama Canal Record, 1925
                              Points Presented, 1924, undated
                              Postage Stamps, undated
                              Taft Agreement, 1924, undated
                                       Advantages, 1926, undated
                                                Alternate, undated
                                                Exception of Article IV, undated
                                                            English, 1926
                                                                        January ‑ March
                                                                        July ‑ December, undated
                                                            Spanish, undated
                                       Violations, 1930, undated
                              Wireless Stations and Installations (Radio), 1923‑25
                     Peace, Friendship & Commerce (Bolivia/Chile), 1904‑05
                     Platt Amendment (Cuba)
                              Guggenheim, Harry, 1930
                              Memorandum, 1930 (4 folders)
                              White, Francis, 1927
                              Treaty Series, No. 437, 1903‑1904
                              Wood, Robert E./Elihu Root
                                       Items 1-28, 1901 (3 folders)
                     Reservations, 1931

33                 Tacna‑Arica Question (Chile/Peru)
                              Agreements, Memorandum of, 1929
                              Arbitrator, 1922, 1929, 1930, undated
                                       Opinion & Award, pp. 70‑115
                                       Ambassador, 1926-1929 (4 folders)
                                       Foreign Affairs Minister, 1926
                              Culbertson, W.S., Report, 1930
                                       Pages 1‑69
                              History and Analysis, circa 1929 (2 folders)
                              History of the Problem, circa 1929 (4 folders)
                              Maps, 1922‑28, undated
                              Meeting Minutes (Peruvian & Chilean Ambassadors), 1926
                                       Ambassador, 1924-1929 (4 folders)
                                       Memorial of, 1925
                                       Note, 1926

34                          Plebiscitary Commission
                                       General, 1925‑26
                                       Certification of the Record, 1926
                                       Joint Report of First President & Second President, 1926
                                                Bound Copy
                                                Unbound Copy (6 folders)

35                                            Unbound Copy (14 folders)
                              Plebiscite, Memorandum on, 1926
36                          Press Releases, 1922-1929 (8 folders)
                              Proposals, 1929
                              Stimson, Henry L., 1927‑29
                              Treaties, Protocol of, 1929

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